Kamis, 25 September 2014

Weekly Report & CV

3rdMeeting: September12nd, 2014
In the third meeting, Advanced English Engineering class discuss about curriculum vitae (CV). They learn about writing style of CV from British English and American Style. CV is called in British English, then in American is called resume. The first time, they discuss about CV (British English). There are 7 components, are Personal information, Objective/Profile, Education and qualifications, Work experience, Skills, Interests, and References. But resume consist of 6 components, are Personal information, Objective, Education and qualifications, Work experience, Skills, and Interests. The different of both is references. Because, Americans feel confident about themself so did not need recommendation from else. Class those day closed with task to make Curriculum Vitae. They can follow British or American style. Each students make it, but collected by group.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information:
Name          : Nur Kholifatul Zahro
Address      : Everlasting Friends 4 number 24 Jakarta Indonesia
Telephone   : 08524081984
Mobile        : 08519840824
Email          : clouds_SJ@elf.com

To find a role in school as Teacher of Informatic that will enable me to develop my skills and share my knowledge about Informatic for teach in school .

A graduates of Universitas Negeri malang with work experience in tutoring and teaching at school.

Education and qualifications:
·        2012-present        :         Universitas Negeri Malang. Expected 2016
·        2009-2012            :         1st Grati High School
·        1996-2009            :         1st Nguling Junior High School
·        2000-2006            :         3rd Nguling Elementary School

·        Languages: Indonesia, Java, Madura
·        Good keyboard skills.
·        Familiarity with Word, Excel, photo editing, music editing and film editing packages.
·        Swimming
·        Volunteer at a local centre for tutoring and school.

Professor Aji
Universitas Negeri Malang

Nur Kholifatul Zahro
PTI 12 E


Personal Information :
Name          : Septania Wanda Wijaya
Address      : 29 Magelang Avenue, Malang, East Java 65145
Telephone   : 0341 661123
Mobile        : 0899 6935 882
Email          : rejwhakyle@gmail.com

Objective :
To become web designer that will enable me to acquire and develop the skills required for a career in web house development

Profile :
Responsibility, good attitude, diligent, communicative, discipline, and target oriented.

Education and qualifications:
·        2012-present        : State University of Malang. Expected 2016
·        2009-2012            : Senior High School / SMAN 01 Surabaya
·        2006-2009            : Junior High School / SMPN 07 Surabaya
·        2000-2006            : Indonesia International, Elementary School, Surabaya

Skills :
·        Web Design, Programming, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point.
·        Familiarity with Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw
·        Languages : Indonesia, Java, English

Interests :
Web developing, blogging, drama (members of the university drama societies)

References :
Professor Aji
Universitas Negeri Malang

Miftakul Umam
Associates Webmakers
Surabaya N16 6TJ

Septania Wanda Wijaya
PTI 12 E

Kamis, 04 September 2014

Weekly Report

1st Meeting: August 29th, 2014
On Friday, August 29th, 2014, is the first meeting of the Bahasa Inggris Teknik II course because the previous week the teacher who named Mr. Aji was graduation in Australia. At this first meeting, Mr. Aji explain the tasks that are given during one semester. The tasks include:
1.        Make a weekly report (about the activities of teacher and students during the learning process).
2.        Write a formal and informal letter.
3.        Interview in English to foreign citizens about ICT.
4.        Translate.
5.        Resume.
6.        Report of the English news from TV / Radio and interview their friend.
7.        Survey with at least 3 questions for each respondent and investigation about ICT.
During the lesson, a student who named Nur was listen her teacher, and nodding when she understand, but sometime she spoke with a friend beside her and certainly her voice not to be heard by her teacher ^^. Class of that day ends with giving task to watch "The Lion King" movie. The students were asked to create a synopsis that will be told in front of the class by turn in group. The lesson during 2 hours is very relaxing but still serious. So, they are look enjoy and excited during the lesson.

Synopsis of "The Lion King" Movie
King of the animals, the king Mufasa and Sarabi his wife had a son named Simba. The king has a younger brother named Scar who wants to be king. He could never be king because the king Mufasa has a successor. So he did a sneaky way to get the position of the king, he cooperation with the hyenas, the enemies of the Pride Rock kingdom, to kill King Mufasa and Simba. Scar plan succeeded, the king Mufasa was killed after saving Simba from danger. Scar exploit weaknesses by asking Simba to go away and do not need to go back. So Scar can replace the king Mufasa. During his leadership, where they lived became barren, is increasingly difficult to find food and drink. While Simba actually go and do not intend to return. Simba met Timon and Pumba who taught him "Hakuna Matata" its meaning do not worry. Simba lives with them. But, one day Simba hear his friends (Timon and Pumba) shouting for ask help, and Simba hurried toward the sound. Apparently, Pumba was caught under an root, and Timon was trying to protect him from Nala, his friend who paired with him who thinks Simba was dead. Nala told him about their lives under the leadership of Scar is bad, and only Simba can stop him because Simba is their true king. Simba initially refused because he wanted to forget the past, but after meeting with the incarnation of his father, Simba finally back. There was war between Simba and Scar were ultimately won by Simba and they live happily with a beautiful place and fertile again. And Simba as king, while his wife Nala. They live happily with their children who will replace Simba as king someday.

2nd Meeting: September 5th, 2014
Like agreement at previous meeting, now each group must retell "the lion king" movie in front of class. There are rule in this game, are the teacher will mention a clue for group which retell in front of class and the group who cannot tell the next story or jump so far from the previous story, they are get penalty. The clue that mentioned by Mr. Aji during the lesson are:
1.        The group that the member wear the same motif shirt.
2.        The group that all the member can look without glasses.
3.        The group that all the member come to campus by motorcycle.
4.        The group that all the member come to campus by walk.
5.        The group that all the member come to campus from the different direction.
6.        The group that one of the member born on outside Java.
7.        Etc.
The game so fun. All of the student are enjoy the game. There are two group that got penalty. The first group got penalty singing and the second group got penalty dancing. Beside that, also there are two group that run out of story, so they must tell the behind scene of "The Lion King" movie. It's mean they must tell story that do not telling by an other group. One of that group, the member consist of Nur Kholifatul Zahro and Septania Wanda Wijaya. They are tell about Simba that hear his friends (Timon and Pumba) shouting for ask help, and Simba hurried toward the sound. Apparently, Pumba was caught under an root, and Timon was trying to protect him from Nala. 
That group, become the last group to end the game. And the lesson ended not long after that. But before lesson really ended, Mr. Aji ask his student to watch "Koboi Ngungsi" movie, and make synopsis again like before. After that, the lesson that day really ended with smile on face each students.

Nur Kholifatul Zahro              (120533430930)
Septania Wanda Wijaya          (120533430892)